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Uptycs is announcing expanded vulnerability management capabilities to simplify the discovery, prioritization, and remediation of vulnerabilities across endpoint, cloud, and container assets. These capabilities support the comprehensive cloud-native application protection platform (CNAPP) coverage that Uptycs provides for customers. 


The Pain Of What Should Be Bread & Butter Security

Vulnerability management ought to be the core practice of a healthy security program, enabling Security teams to swiftly respond to emerging security gaps. Instead, many teams struggle with prioritizing which assets or specific CVEs are worth focusing their limited resources on. 

As a result, Security teams fall behind on applying patches, and the snowball effect of these lagging implementations creates a mesh of security gaps across your IT ecosystem. This process of identifying, prioritizing, and applying remediations to key vulnerabilities ought to be part of the Security teams easily performed functionalities.


Strengthening Vulnerability Management Across Cloud, Endpoint, and Containers

Uptycs has expanded vulnerability management capabilities across endpoint, cloud, and container assets, giving teams comprehensive visibility and centralized prioritization of CVEs across all their asset categories. 

No two environments are the same, and Uptycs offers query packs and custom dashboards that bring out in-depth insights and visibility into your unique environment. Easily scan hundreds of thousands of hosts for unique use cases and use that data to seamlessly build reporting dashboards, making it easy to prioritize assets or export reports. 

Uptycs arms Security Operations teams with knowledge about which vulnerabilities are being actively exploited in the wild, quickly letting teams understand which CVEs are truly a priority. Exploit data is correlated with your vulnerabilities to highlight CVEs that have published exploits being used by threat actors. Uptycs provides additional information to help you prioritize these vulnerabilities and take necessary actions, giving you control amidst the endless cycles of patching.  

These extended capabilities in vulnerability management support devops teams securing CI/CD pipelines. At the build stage, systematically track and remediate CVEs before they snowball into thousands of production deployments. At the deploy stage, Uptycs ensures builds pass vulnerability checks and fails builds before they enter production and create security gaps. Continue reducing potential attack vectors by monitoring containers into runtime, evaluating for emerging threats and vulnerabilities. 


Uptycs Vulnerability Management Features

Track Unique Use Cases

Use custom query packs and custom vulnerabilities to capture unique use cases in your environment. Uptycs allows you to upload custom vulnerabilities, internal to your organization, that you would like to detect on your fleet. Upload files containing the details of the custom vulnerabilities, and view the latest findings from your environment within six hours.


Simplify Visibility With Customized Dashboards

With customizable dashboards, users select the queries to run on the fleet, customize the results, and display them in widgets. Build once and deliver compelling dashboards for daily, weekly, and monthly vulnerability reports. For the vulnerabilities detected on your assets, you can view the results based on severity, age, assets, open instances, and more. See below for a Log4J dashboard tracking all instances (vulnerable and not) across your environment. Uptycs is even able to scan into uber .JAR and shaded .JAR files to map out Log4J and report back. 


Deep Visibility Into Package-Level Vulnerabilities 

Scan for vulnerabilities present in packages such as Python, bash, apt, and npm among others. The scan engine evaluates the package version and detects if the version is vulnerable to the latest attack vectors and flags them accordingly. Uptycs also provides information regarding the fix availability for the vulnerabilities, helping teams take the first step towards remediating these package level findings.


Prioritize Actively Exploited Vulnerabilities

Uptycs actively monitors threat intelligence and provides insight on active exploits available in the wild. This contextual guidance is incredibly valuable for parsing through a backlog of vulnerabilities to be fixed. If a vulnerability has an active exploit publicly known and being used by threat actors, Uptycs helps you quickly prioritize those vulnerabilities in your systems that are at a higher risk of being exploited. 


Faster Turnaround Times And Low Resource Utilization

Low resource cost for scanning means it’s easier to run multiple real-time scans, less resource intensive to scan post-remediation, and teams can increase the scanning cadence to stay on top of your environment. Confidently scan at increasingly smaller scales as Uptycs supports assets all the way down to containers, VMs, and micro-VMs. Faster turnaround times help teams stay proactive in extinguishing vulnerabilities, with query packs checking your assets health every 15 minutes.


Register for the Uptycs Live webinar on vulnerability management