Cloud Native Application Protection (CNAPP)

Uptycs cloud native application protection platform (CNAPP) helps simplify cloud security by combining posture management (CSPM), workload protection (CWPP), Kubernetes security (KSPM) and entitlement management (CIEM) into a single solution. Request a free demo to see it in action!

  • Vulnerability Scanning: Automate tracking of your  asset inventory and scanning for  vulnerabilities
  • Threat detection and response: Leverage high fidelity alerts and correlations on attack path analysis for faster time to detect and remediate
  • Threat Hunting: Use anomaly detections and query searches to hunt  for hidden threats across your entire infrastructure
  • Cloud Compliance: Track your compliance posture in place, simplifying reporting and evidence collection for audits

No matter your cloud security needs, Uptycs has you covered

Workload Security (CWPP)

Uptycs has you covered with comprehensive support for a wide range of cloud workload technologies. Get the versatility you need to stay secure and running smoothly.


Security Posture (CSPM)

Simplify cloud asset inventory with complete visibility of your cloud estate. With Uptycs, you have configuration and settings details at your fingertips.

Entitlements (CIEM)

Implement least privilege, visualize identity relationships, and rapidly respond to security incidents and threats from the same platform you use to secure your cloud infrastructure. 


K8s and Containers (KSPM)

Secure the entire application lifecycle from build to run. Equip your team to protect container-based apps, anywhere - on-prem, cloud, VM, or serverless environments.

“The security team at Flexport owns the Uptycs deployment, but the solution is providing value to the entire organization.”
Kevin Page
Kevin Page
CISO, Flexport