Threat Research

Quarterly Threat Research Bulletin

Issue #7 | May 2023

The quarterly Uptycs threat intel bulletin provides insights on the current threat landscape. This intel is derived from our threat intelligence systems, sources, and a world-class threat research team which builds and proactively monitors the latest TTPs (Tactics, Techniques and Procedures).

Organizations can use this bulletin as a tool to evaluate and form a more robust detection and protection posture against the latest threats on Windows, Linux and macOS platforms.

Ready to defend against the latest malware, zero days, and vulnerabilities? Download our latest threat research bulletin!

Uptycs Quarterly Threat Bulletin - Issue 7, May 2023

Download the report to learn:

  • Commonly abused commands and utilities in Linux, macOS and Windows
    Malware families most prevalently seen across platforms
  • Active threat actors and recent targeted malware attacks
  • Important vulnerabilities to prioritize across platforms

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